About Us
It seems that each advance in technology demands greater and greater attention to cleanliness. As a result, Blackstone-NEY Ultrasonics has been challenged to meet these exceedingly high expectations and has done so through rapid innovation. Many of these advances have involved the use of ultrasonic cleaning technologies utilizing multiple frequency ultrasonic generators and advanced waveform ultrasonic generators. These cutting edge ultrasonic cleaning technologies are used by our most demanding OEM customers to remove sub-micron particles from hard disk drive components and silicon wafers.
The Leader in Ultrasonic Technology Since 1988
Blackstone Ultrasonics joined with NEY Ultrasonics to form Blackstone-NEY Ultrasonics in 1988. The company is located in Jamestown, New York and continues to be a recognized leader in ultrasonic technology. Starting with the introduction of sweeping frequency in 1988, there has been a continuous stream of development and patents covering new ultrasonic generator and transducer technology. A broad spectrum of ultrasonic technology is available to meet the specific needs of a growing list of applications.
4933 Provident Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45246
(800) 766-6606
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Blackstone-NEY Innovations
- Sweeping frequency provides a reliably uniform ultrasonic field
- effectively reduces resonant damage to parts
- Power up-sweep helps clear process tanks of particulates and minimizes re-deposition of contaminants
- Multiple-frequency generators and Universal Transducers provide multiple frequencies in a single process tank to provide better cleaning with extended flexibility and process control
Blackstone-NEY Ultrasonic Cleaning Equipment
Blackstone-NEY Ultrasonics offers a full line of individual ultrasonics tanks, large capacity ultrasonic tanks, multi-tank ultrasonic cleaning systems, as well as single piece flow-through ultrasonic conveyor systems. Blackstone-NEY Ultrasonics offers pre-engineered platforms in a variety of tank sizes and configurations to allow a customized approach to meeting the most commonly encountered customer specifications. Our platform ultrasonic parts washers can be outfitted from a list of standard options or customized to meet your precise cleaning requirements, including automation and material handling solutions are readily available for our entire product line.